KIELTOLAKI - "Vapauden Illuusio"


CR036 |  KIELTOLAKI - "Vapauden Illuusio" CS


200 copies

Awesome old-school-style Finnish Raw-Punk as it has always should sound like! Finland has a history of producing some insane harsh sounds, and the Finns have always ingested punk rock and puked it back out at us ten times crazier than we could never imagine. Kieltolaki brings you a serious finnish hardcore punk with no joke! In particular, there's a touch more of that ever so slightly melodic, Lama / Appendix-ish traditional Finnish hardcore sound. Totaal Destrucktion! 

For us, this is their great material so far. Got a bit of development from their earlier records. Their LP was released by Feral Ward records.

Reciew from Feral Ward Records - "I know I'm old and out of touch with current hardcore, but to me this is how current hardcore should sound. Blazing, powerful, relentless and simple hardcore. No schtick, no gimmick, just aggression. Their second LP."
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